Roman's Lab 93: Highly Instructive Games in the English Opening (Video)
On this video Roman demonstrates games and ideas played with different systems of the English Opening. These include highly instructive and educational material about various typical mistakes played by all levels of players.Roman will demonstrate the way the English suppose is to be played - he is an expert on the English Opening! And with Rybka's help analyzing these games the material presented will increase your understanding of the English Opening, resulting in much better results in your own games.
"I highly recommend the Roman Rybka series!" - Anatoly Karpov.
Chess video running time: 91 minutes
Learn Chess from Grandmaster Roman Dzindzichashvili:
Former two time U.S. Champion & Russian Champion
World Open Winner, Writer & Teacher
Former Chess Coach & Trainer for World Champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov