Middlegame Secrets, Vol. 3: The Career Paths of Bishops - Chess Middlegame Software Download

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Middlegame Secrets, Vol.3:
The Career Paths of Bishops (Download)
by Jan Markos

To a chess player, chess pieces serve as distinct instruments in a toolkit. Similar to how a craftsman discerns the optimal use of each tool, we must understand the strategic capabilities of our pieces. Just as it would be imprudent to employ a screwdriver to drive a nail, it is unwise to prematurely restrict the board's dynamics when we possess the advantage of the bishop pair.

In this video course, we will delve deeply into familiar concepts surrounding bishops. For instance, while it's commonly understood that possessing a bishop pair should confer a positional advantage, few grasp how to effectively leverage this strategic asset. Similarly, while the notion of a "good" versus "bad" bishop is well-known, its relevance varies significantly across different positions. Can you differentiate between them? Furthermore, we'll examine lesser-known qualities of bishops, such as their influence on specific diagonals, their ability to maneuver between flanks, and the dynamics of opposite-colored bishops.

  • Video running time: 4 h 44 minutes
  • Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play-positions against Fritz on various levels

System: Windows 10 or higher, Mac OS X (only download)


  • Introduction
  • The Bishop Pair
  • The Bishop Pair 1: Englisch vs Steinitz, London 1883
  • The Bishop Pair 2: Markos vs Macak, Slovak Ch 2012
  • The Bishop Pair 3: Kramnik vs Tiviakov, Wijk aan Zee 2001
  • The Bishop Pair 4: Markos vs Straka, Slovak Ch 2016
  • Disadvantage of a Bishop Pair
  • Disadvantage of the Bishop Pair 1: Spassky vs Fischer, Reykjavik 1972
  • Disadvantage of the Bishop Pair 2: Dao vs Adams, FIDE Wch 2000
  • Disadvantage of the Bishop Pair 3: Khalifman vs Kramnik, Linares 2000
  • Same Colored Bishops
  • Good Bishop, Bad Bishop 1: Kramnik vs Leko, Budapest 2001
  • Good Bishop, Bad Bishop 2: Markos vs Rausis, European Cup 2008
  • Good Bishop, Bad Bishop 3: Kasparov vs Bacrot, Sarajevo 2000
  • Opposite Colored Bishops
  • Opposite Colored Bishops 1: Topalov vs Leko, Dortmund 2005
  • Opposite Colored Bishops 2: Polgar vs Anand, Mainz 2003
  • Opposite Colored Bishops 3: Carlsen vs Caruana, Zuerich 2014
  • Opposite Colored Bishops 4: Carlsen vs Anand, Wch 2013
  • Opposite Colored Bishops 5: Karpov vs Khalifman, Linares 1995
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls 1: Carlsen vs Bacrot, Nanjing 2010
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls 2: Fernandes vs Markos, Heraklion 2017
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls 3: Mista vs Markos, Bundesliga 2011
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls 4: Grigorian vs Agzamov, Cheliabinsk 1981
  • Bishops are like Billiard Balls 5: Byrne vs Garcia Padron, Torremolinos 1977
  • Bishop dominating the Knight
  • Bishop dominating the Knight 1: Reshevsky vs Smyslov, Belgrade 1970
  • Bishop dominating the Knight 2: Sznapik vs Bukal, Zagreb 1979
  • Bishop dominating the Knight 3: Wiley vs Sclacmender, Brussels 2023
  • Conclusion

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