How to Play the Open Sicilian - Chess Opening Software Download

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How to Play the Open Sicilian (Download)
by Andrew Martin

The chess opening Sicilian Defense is one of the most popular and sharpest replies to 1.e4. After 1.e4 c5, an exciting, unbalanced position is assured, where Black can play for a win from the very start of the game. The Open Sicilian describes all variations where White plays an early d2-d4.

On this all-new ChessBase video course, IM Andrew Martin introduces you to this exciting world, so that you can begin playing the Sicilian in your own games. The main themes and ideas of the Open Sicilian are discussed, followed by a summary of all the accepted main lines. You will be able to make a choice as to which of them you want to play. This video course is full of Sicilian masterpieces that delight and instruct. The author hopes that they will also inspire you to play the Sicilian yourself. Players under 1800 will gain most benefit from this video course.

Video running time: 5 h 50 minutes
With interactive training including video feedback
Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions against Fritz on various levels

System: Windows 10 or higher, Mac OS X (only download)


  • Introduction
  • An extra central pawn
  • Game 1: Stanojoski - Kurajica
  • Game 2: Zavoronkov - Shulman
  • Game 3: Blandon - Lu
  • Game 4: Pflug - Enders
  • Queenside counterplay
  • Queenside counterplay
  • Game 5: Hartston - Westerinen
  • Game 6: Svidler - Karjakin
  • Game 7: Bakalchuk - Smirin
  • Sacrificial possibilites
  • Introduction
  • Game 8: Karpov - Kasparov
  • Game 9: Large - Basman
  • Game 10: Suarez Uriel - Moreno Ruiz
  • Game 11: Unzicker - Taimanov
  • Game 12: Grieve - Artemiev
  • Various pawn structures
  • Introduction
  • Game 13: Drygalov - Nakamura
  • How to not play the Open Sicilian
  • Introduction
  • Game 14: Bok - Yu Yangyi
  • Game 15: Almasi - Mohr
  • Game 16: Spassky - Fischer
  • The Najdorf Sicilian
  • 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6
  • Introduction
  • Game 17: Polgar - Anand
  • Game 18: Paravyan - Aronian
  • Dragon Systems
  • 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 and 2...Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6
  • Introduction
  • Game 19: Karthikeyan - Vachier Lagrave
  • Game 20: Sarana - Martinez Alcantara
  • Game 21: Kurayan - Spiridonov
  • Game 22: Al Modiahki - Motylev
  • Game 23: Do Valle Cardoso - Xiong
  • The Kan/Taimanov/Paulsen Sicilian
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