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Grandmaster Tactics and Effective Calculation Techniques - Chess Training Download

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How Grandmasters Use Tactics and Effective Calculation Techniques (Download)
GM Stelios Halkias

Chess tactics are one of the most, if not the most, important parts of a chess game. Improving your tactical skills will help you to stop unexpected loses. It is no surprise that tactics are the key to winning chess games all the way up to 2000+ ELO. The question here is this: Can you spot hidden tactics in your games?

If you are under 1800 FIDE rated, tactics are an absolutely must-study element! The majority of chess players don’t have a foundation that they can build upon. Now you do! This course was created for that reason, to help you understand the thinking system, the tactical elements, and how to apply tactics in your games quickly with confidence.

You can overcome and be successful against the majority of chess players. You will learn the fundamental tactical motives and then you will understand how to see the patterns. This method can guarantee your chess improvement.

Grandmaster Stelios Halkias and Angelo Kesaris are here to answer our queries, by guiding you with many interesting examples, from the basics of chess tactics to advance topics. The course is suitable for novice, intermediate, and advance players. You'll be able to understand, enjoy, learn, and improve your game by watching these videos.

If you want to increase your tactical vision and acquire a significant advantage over your opponents, and with real results, here is your chance!

This chess course includes

  • 12 total Video Duration = 185 Minutes // 3 hours
  • Exercises = 100 // 56 Pages

What you will Learn in This Chess Course:

Intro – Basic Chess Ideas // 01 game | 17' 53''
    Chess Thinking System // 03 games | 22' 32''
    How to Avoid Blunders // 01 game | 16' 45''
    The Most Fundamental Tactical Motives // 05 games | 11' 10''
    All Typical Checkmate Motives // 15 games | 12' 25''
    The Single Most Important Tactical Idea // 07 games | 9' 36''
    Invisible Moves // 08 games | 7' 04''
    Tactical Secrets – Clever Combinations // 03 games | 7' 15''
    The Most Important Tactical Motive // 07 games | 15' 31''
    The Deepest Tactical Knowledge // 05 games | 11' 45''
    Pieces Coordination & How to Create Mating Nets // 03 games | 16' 32''
    Amazing Sacrifices Around the Enemy Castling // 03 games | 16' 37''
    Sacrifices and Tactical Shots Into Empty Squares // 03 games  | 21' 21''

Language: English
Duration: Unlimited Access
Access: Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
Delivery: You Can Study it Online
Compatibility: Accessed on ANY device (even non-Windows devices)

Stelios Halkias
Stelios Halkias is a Top Greek Chess player with Peak ELO 2600+. Since 2002 he holds the Grandmaster (GM) title from FIDE. He has represented his country in a number of Chess Olympiads, including 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

Angelo Kesaris
Kesaris is a professional chess coach and, for the last 20 years, a FIDE National Instructor. He is active chess player with International FIDE rating 1900 ELO. He started teaching chess in primary schools, organized lessons in chess clubs, offers private classes and online teaching - and now a chess course creator.


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Cindy Rlnj


Customer Service Beyond Expectation

First of all, the chess set is beautiful. I gave it to my son two Christmases ago and he plays it constantly. He is very proud of it. So...when our dog captured the pawn and chewed it, my son was bummed. I contacted Chess Central and they said that they would work on it. I totally forgot about it and figured I'd never hear back. Today, guess what arrived in the mail? The black pawn! My son actually did a little jig. Thank you, ChessCentral.

Robert G.


This is by far the most impressive chess set I've ever seen!!

Now you have to know up front when buying online I generally look at the three star and lower reviews, so I ordered this set with a lot of skepticism, just sure something was going to be FUBAR,...... Boy was I wrong!! I got the set and carefully un-packed it and was just amazed. It is PERFECT!! Seems that all the every flaw that had been complained about in the three star and less reviews had been addressed by the manufacturer!! So being eager to show it off and being a good ole boy, I invite my buddies over and we all set out on the porch {now that the weather is finally getting nice out} and play from noon until sunset. I enjoy all the compliments this beautiful the set gets, and everyone loves to play on it!!

H. Loomis


I've shopped at ChessCentral three times now, and twice I've had questions about a particular product. I don't know much about chess software. Anyway, I was shocked to receive detailed answers later that same day! I mean, who does that? Shipping was fast and well packaged. All in all, a great chess website.