Chess Training
Chess Training Software
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Chess training software programs are used to teach yourself about any aspect of chess. Most include videos, model games, commentary, analysis - and more! These chess trainers are one of the best ways to improve your chess game in specific areas. Whether it's chess endgame training or the study of chess opening theory, here you will find the best software programs for any level of player - beginner to Grandmaster.
My Life for Chess - Chess Biography Software Download
£23.17My Life for Chess (Download)by Viktor Korchnoi Viktor Korchnoi (1931 - 2016) was undoubtedly one of the most fascinating personalities in the chess world. The two-time World Championship finalist played successful and attractive chess, even into old age...- SKU:
- VK-life
£23.17 -
How to Attack: Principles of Training - Chess Tactics Software Download
£23.17How to Attack: Principles of Training - Chess Tactics Software Downloadby Dr. Karsten Müller Most players prefer to attack rather than defend. But what is the correct way to do it? GM Dr Karsten Müller has compiled many rules and motifs to...- SKU:
- muller-tactics
£23.17 -
The Super Solid Slav Defense - Chess Opening Software Download
£23.17The Super Solid Slav Defense - Chess Opening Software Downloadby Sipke Ernst After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 we get the Slav defense. This video course will focus on 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 and now 4...dxc4, but the white alternatives leading up to the mainline...- SKU:
- ernst-slav
£23.17 -
Making the Right Decisions in Chess: Fundamentals - Chess Strategy Download
£23.17Making the Right Decisions in Chess - Fundamentals (Download)by Elisabeth Pähtz The theme of “decision-making” is an essential part of every chess game. At every moment of the game, you must make a decision that is not only tactical; as...- SKU:
- pahtz-dl
£23.17 -
Master Class, Vol. 15: Viktor Korchnoi - Chess Biography Software Download
£23.17Master Class, Vol. 15: Viktor Korchnoi (Download) Viktor Korchnoi (born in 1931 in Leningrad) is one of the great players in chess history. He first qualified for a Candidates Tournament for the World Championship as early as 1962, and...- SKU:
- mc15-vk-dl
£23.17 -
The Closed Sicilian - Chess Opening Software Download
£23.17The Closed Sicilian(Download) by IM Andrew Martin Do you have a fantastic memory and a liking for sharp positions, the evaluations of which can change with a few taps of a computer button? If so, then the main lines of the Open Sicilian are...- SKU:
- Cl-sic-mart-dl
£23.17 -
Master Class Tactics: Train Your Combination Skills! (Vol. 1 & 2) - Chess Software Download
£42.50CMaster Class Tactics - Train Your Combination Skills! Vol.1 and Vol. 2 (Download) by Oliver Reeh In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can't go on without tactics. You must strike, because nothing is more annoying than...- SKU:
- tactics-oliv-dl
£42.50 -
Chess Classics: Games You Must Know - Chess Software Download
£23.17Chess Classics - Games You Must Know (Download) by Dorian Rogozenco The video course presents a fine selection of 33 classic chess games, played between the 18th century and the beginning of the second world war. Starting with...- SKU:
- classic-rog-dl
£23.17 -
3.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld - Chess Opening Software Download
£23.173.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld (Download) Sipke Ernst For some time now, we’ve known that the strongest chess engines like to push their flank pawns up the board. This has led to an interesting system, with which we can...- SKU:
- 3.h4-dl
£23.17 -
Get 6 Simon Williams Gambits in One Steal of a Deal! - Software Download
£77.31King's Gambit, Vol. 1 This download concentrates on the King's Gambit accepted with 3.Bc4. Bronstein once said about this move, "You want to play the King's Gambit? Well, Black can draw after 3.Nf3. Play 3.Bc4 if you want to win!" Of course things...- SKU:
- 6-simon-gambits-dl
£77.31 -
Winning Chess Strategies, Vol. 1 and 2 - Chess Strategy Software Download
£42.50Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 and 2 (Download) by Romain Edouard Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects:...- SKU:
- win-strat-1-2-dl
£42.50 -
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4 - Chess Opening Software Download
£42.50A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4, Vol. 1 & 2 by Robert Ris These video courses feature a black repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also...- SKU:
- Blk-rep-d4-dl
£42.50 -
The French Defense - Structures, Tactics and Plans Vol. 1 & 2 - Chess Opening Download
£42.50The French Defense - Structures, Tactics and plans Vol.1 & 2 by Mihail Marin The French Defense is an opening with a marked strategic character, but it also offers rich tactical possibilities to both sides. This video course is aimed as a...- SKU:
- French-STP1-2-dl
£42.50 -
Key Concepts of Chess: Pawn Structures, Vol. 1 & 2 - Chess Training Software Download
£42.50Key Concepts of Chess – Pawn Structures Vol. 1 (Download) Herman Grooten Open-, Half-Open Files and The Pawn Chain In this series it’s all about strategy for club players, explained in a simple way with clear examples! The idea is...- SKU:
- key-conc-1--2dl
£42.50 -
Key Concepts of Chess: Pawn Structures, Vol. 2 - Chess Training Software Download
£23.17Key Concepts of Chess: Pawn Structures, Vol. 2 (Download) Herman Grooten The Isolated Queen’s Pawn and The Passed Pawn A new production in the “Key Concepts of Chess” series. The idea is to focus on certain themes by means of...- SKU:
- key-conc-2-dl
£23.17 -
Key Concepts of Chess: Pawn Structures, Vol. 1 - Chess Training Software Download
£23.17Key Concepts of Chess: Pawn Structures, Vol. 1 (Download) Herman Grooten Open, Half-Open Files, and The Pawn Chain In this series it’s all about strategy for club players, explained in a simple way with clear examples! The idea is to focus...- SKU:
- key-conc-1-dl
£23.17 -
Top Choice Repertoire: Play the French Defense Vol. 1 & 2 - Chess Opening Download
£42.50Top Choice Repertoire:Play the French Defence Vol.1 and vOL.2by Rustam Kasimdzhanov The French Defence is one of the most popular openings - from club player to grandmaster. It’s a very solid opening against 1.e4 but leaves room for...- SKU:
- French-TC-Dl
£42.50 -
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol. 1-4 - Chess Software Training Download
£77.31Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol. 1-4 (Download) Ivan Sokolov Vol 1In this chess download we deal with different dynamic decisions involving pawns. The aim of this DVD is to arm club/tournament players with fresh ideas which they can use in...- SKU:
- middle-so-4v-dl
£77.31 -
Calculation Training Booster - Chess Software Training Download
£23.17Calculation Training Booster (Download)Robert Ris For those who haven’t recently done any calculation training, there is the Calculation Training Booster. After all, every chess brain needs regular stimulation, as you don’t want to become...- SKU:
- calc-booster-dl
£23.17 -
The Smooth Scandinavian Defense with 3...Qd8 - Chess Opening Software Training Download
£23.17The Smooth Scandinavian Defense with 3...Qd8 (Download)Robert Ris Are you looking for a simple, easy-to-learn repertoire against 1.e4? Then the Scandinavian with 3…Qd8 is yours! After 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 the retreat 3…Qd8...- SKU:
- smooth-scan-dl