Chess Opening

Chess Opening

Chess Opening Videos
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he truth is that chess opening software and chess opening books are both excellent tools - but sometimes you want to relax on the couch with a chess opening video and let a Grandmaster demonstrate chess openings on television. And what choices! You can watch a chess opening video about general principles or about the latest theory in a sub-variation of the Ruy Lopez. You can even get Roman's 6 volume survey of all chess openings on video, or a multi-volume set on one particular chess opening like Susan Polgar's French Defense chess opening videos. Here you will find top quality chess opening theory on video, for use on your favorite device. These chess opening videos offer the most up-to-date game analysis, and will cut your preparation time.

  • Foxy 169: The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit (Part 2) - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 169: The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit, Part 2

    Chess on DVD

    The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit (Part 2)by Andrew Martin The Albin Counter gambit is a magnificent weapon for club players. This counterattack even works well at master level, although tends to be used as a surprise higher up. Here we explore...
  • Foxy 168: The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit (Part 1) - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 168: The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit, Part 1

    Chess on DVD

    The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit (Part 1) by Andrew Martin The Albin Counter-gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5) is a magnificent weapon for club players. This counterattack even works well at master level, although the Albin tends to be used as a...
  • Foxy 167: A Secret Weapon in the Exchange Ruy Lopez - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 167: A Secret Weapon in the Exchange Ruy Lopez

    Chess on DVD

    A Secret Weapon in the Exchange Ruy Lopez Secret opening weapons are getting harder to discover, but on this all new Foxy Openings video, we think we have achieved just that. Surprise and shock your opponents by employing the Exchange Variation of the...
  • Foxy 30: Kopec's Anti-Sicilian System - Chess Opening Video Download

    Foxy 30: Kopec's Anti-Sicilian System

    Chess on DVD

    Kopec's Anti-Sicilian System (Video) A repertoire for White. You are about to enter a completely different world - the world of the Kopec System. IM Dr. Danny Kopec presents his original system which is deadly against all Sicilian set-ups. Fundamentally...
  • Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts Volume 1

    Chess Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Vol. 2) - Download

    Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Volume 2) DownloadIM Danny Kopec Download will be sent in 24-48 Hours Tired of memorizing opening variations? Continuing from where his previous video "Pawn Structures and How To Play Them" leaves off,...
  • Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts Volume 1

    Chess Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Vol. 1) - Download

    Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Vol. 1) DownloadIM Danny Kopec Download will be sent in 24-48 Hours Tired of memorizing opening variations? Continuing from where his previous video "Pawn Structures and How To Play Them" leaves off,...
  • Foxy Chess Openings0 20: d4 Dynamite Download

    Foxy 14: The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit

    Chess on DVD

    The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (Video) IM Andrew Martin sounds the charge on this chess video! Not for the faint-hearted, there's nothing quite like the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Arising after the typical moves 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5...
  • Foxy 20: 1.d4 Dynamite - Chess Opening Video Download

    Foxy 20: 1.d4 Dynamite - Chess Opening for White

    Chess on DVD

    1.d4 Dynamite (Video) Grandmaster Summerscale reveals his explosive repertoire against both 1...d5 and the Nimzo-Indian/Queen's Indian/Bogo-Indian complex. As White you will play 1.d4 and head for a system based on nasty tactical lines of the...
  • Foxy 75: The London System, 1.d4 and 2.Bf4 - Chess Opening Video Download

    Foxy 75: The London System, 1.d4 and 2.Bf4

    Chess on DVD

    White plays 1.d4 and 2.Bf4 - The London System (Video) IM Andrew Martin demonstrates how to play this very solid opening for White with over two hours of detailed coverage. Very difficult to beat, this "automatic" opening has been played with great...
  • Foxy 164-165: Opening Ideas, Complete Set (2 DVDs) - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 164-165: Chess Opening Ideas - Complete Set (2 Videos)

    Chess on DVD

    Opening Ideas and Techniques for Young and Improving Players PlusOpening Ideas and Secret Weapons to Demolish your Opponent A two volume chess course by IM Andrew Martin. On these videos, FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin will teach you what you...
  • Foxy 165: Opening Ideas and Secret Weapons - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 165: Chess Openings - Ideas and Secret Weapons

    Chess on DVD

    Opening Ideas and Secret Weapons to Demolish your Opponent IM Andrew Martin A two volume chess course by IM Andrew Martin. On these DVDs, FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin will teach you what you need to know and what to do for success in the...
  • Foxy 164: Opening Ideas and Techniques - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Foxy 164: Chess Openings - Ideas and Techniques

    Chess on DVD

    Opening Ideas and Techniques for Young and Improving PlayersIM Andrew Martin A two volume chess course by IM Andrew Martin. On these videos, FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin will teach you what you need to know and what to do for success in the...
  • Simon Williams: The Killer Dutch Defense - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Simon Williams: The Killer Dutch Defense - Chess Opening Video DVD


    MSRP: £23.17
    The Killer Dutch Defense Grandmaster Simon Williams, the world's leading exponent of The Classical Dutch, introduces his debut DVD where the viewer explores the spectrum of exciting opportunities that Black will encounter when playing this opening...
    MSRP: £23.17
  • Roman Forum - Mastering Chess Forum Series 7 DVDs

    Roman's Forum - Mastering Chess Series, 7 Videos

    Chess on DVD

    Roman's ForumMastering Chess 7 Volume Series (Video) Hosted by Grandmaster Roman Dzindzichashvili, former US and Russian Champion and Coach of World Champion Garry Kasparov. Roman is one of chess's foremost lecturers! Now you can get the set of 7...
  • Roman's Encyclopedia of Chess Openings (6 DVDs) - Chess Opening Video DVD

    Roman's Encyclopedia of Chess Openings, 6 Videos

    Chess on DVD

    Roman's Encyclopedia of Openings, Volumes 1-6 How would you like to learn Openings from the man who coached and trained World Champions Anatoly Karpov & Garry Kasparov? Now you can with these professional quality videos!   Over 15 Hours of...
  • Roman's Lab 99: Universal Play against all Slav Systems - Chess Opening Video Download

    Roman's Lab 99: Universal Play against all Slav Systems

    Chess on DVD

    Roman's Lab 99: Universal Play against all Slav Systems (Video) Here Roman will teach you the Exchange variation of the Slav, one of the most competitive lines against 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6. The viewer is guided through games of GMs with detailed...
  • Roman's Lab 98: The 2.c3 Sicilian, Alapin Variation - Chess Opening Video Download

    Roman's Lab 98: The 2.c3 Sicilian, Alapin Variation

    Chess on DVD

    The 2.c3 Sicilian, Alapin VariationEasy Way to Play Against the Sicilian (Video)  On this video Roman will teach you by using highly instructional games an easy to learn system for White to play against the Sicilian. Playing c2-c3 on move 2 gives...
  • Roman's Lab 97: Simple Systems in the Caro-Kann Defense - Chess Opening Video Download

    Roman's Lab 97: Simple Systems in the Caro-Kann Defense

    Chess on DVD

    Simple Systems in the Caro-Kann for White and Black (Video) On this video Grandmaster Roman Dzinzichashvili will teach you an amazing, easy-to-learn system to get the most comfortable and promising plan for White in the Caro-Kann. For Black, you will...
  • Roman's Lab 96: Dismantling the Petroff Defense - Chess Opening Video Download

    Roman's Lab 96: Dismantling the Petroff Defense

    Chess on DVD

    Dismantling the Petroff Defense at the Highest Level (Video) On this Video Download Roman clearly outlines extremely dangerous lines for Black in the Petroff Defense. The evolution of these killer lines for Black are explained based on the games of...
  • Roman's Lab 95: Scandinavian Defense, 2...Nf6 and 2...Qxd5 - Chess Opening Video Download

    Roman's Lab 95: Scandinavian Defense, 2...Nf6 and 2...Qxd5

    Chess on DVD

    Highly Instructive Games in the Scandinavian, 2...Nf6 and 2...Qxd5 (Video) On this video Grandmaster Roman Dzinzichashvili examines games that were played in the Scandinavian 2...Nf6 and the Center Counter 2...Qxd5 variations. The games included...

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Cindy Rlnj


Customer Service Beyond Expectation

First of all, the chess set is beautiful. I gave it to my son two Christmases ago and he plays it constantly. He is very proud of it. So...when our dog captured the pawn and chewed it, my son was bummed. I contacted Chess Central and they said that they would work on it. I totally forgot about it and figured I'd never hear back. Today, guess what arrived in the mail? The black pawn! My son actually did a little jig. Thank you, ChessCentral.

Robert G.


This is by far the most impressive chess set I've ever seen!!

Now you have to know up front when buying online I generally look at the three star and lower reviews, so I ordered this set with a lot of skepticism, just sure something was going to be FUBAR,...... Boy was I wrong!! I got the set and carefully un-packed it and was just amazed. It is PERFECT!! Seems that all the every flaw that had been complained about in the three star and less reviews had been addressed by the manufacturer!! So being eager to show it off and being a good ole boy, I invite my buddies over and we all set out on the porch {now that the weather is finally getting nice out} and play from noon until sunset. I enjoy all the compliments this beautiful the set gets, and everyone loves to play on it!!

H. Loomis


I've shopped at ChessCentral three times now, and twice I've had questions about a particular product. I don't know much about chess software. Anyway, I was shocked to receive detailed answers later that same day! I mean, who does that? Shipping was fast and well packaged. All in all, a great chess website.