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Other Chess E-Books

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This category is a "secret" collection of chess treasures, comprising everything from classic tournament books to chess biographies of the world's best players. Here are the time tested instruction manuals, like Chess Fundamentals and Common Sense in Chess - even help for absolute beginners! Time spent with any of these titles will be well rewarded.

  • Common Sense in Chess by Em. Lasker - Download

    Common Sense in Chess - E-Book Tutorial

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 11.96
    Common Sense in Chessby Emanuel Lasker A ChessCentral E-Book Lasker's Common Sense in Chess has always been one of the standard works in chess literature, enjoying a place on the "short list" of required reading for over 100 years. Simply stated, the...
    € 11.96
  • Chess Masterpieces - Top Game Collection for Download

    Chess Masterpieces - Game Collection E-Book

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 9.19
    Chess Masterpiecesby H.E. Bird A ChessCentral E-Book In this age of chess databases boasting upwards of 2 million games, we more than ever need somebody to sift and select the best, to distill those few games worthy of the name "masterpieces". Most...
    € 9.19
  • The Capablanca - Lasker Match: World Chess Championship Download

    The Capablanca - Lasker Match: World Chess Championship

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 9.19
    The Capablanca - Lasker Matchby J. R. Capablanca The 1921 match in Havana between J. R. Capablanca and Emanuel Lasker was the most decisive victory ever achieved by any challenger. The young Cuban master clearly dominated the match - no mean feat...
    € 9.19
  • Chess Lessons for Beginners - Instructional Chess E-Book Download

    Chess Lessons for Beginners - Instructional E-Book Download

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 9.19
    Chess Lessons for Beginnersby E.E. Cunnington A ChessCentral E-Book Chess books by Rev. Edward Ernest Cunnington (died 1942) were quite popular at one time. This electronic version of Chess Lessons for Beginners is based on the 23rd edition of...
    € 9.19
  • Discart-Bonetti Chess Match, 1863 - Download

    Discart-Bonetti Chess Match, 1863 - Download E-Book

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 9.19
    Discart-Bonetti Chess Match, 1863 A ChessCentral E-Book Here is your chance to experience chess as it used to be - or might have been! In January of 1863 a match took place in Modena, Italy, between Francesco Discart and Cornelio Bonetti, using the...
    € 9.19
  • Chess Fundamentals - Download

    Chess Fundamentals - Download Capablanca's Primer

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 13.80
    Chess Fundamentals (Download)by J. R. Capablanca Capablanca teaches chess! Let the 3rd World Chess Champion be your guide to improvement in chess, as he takes you step by step from novice to upper-grade competitor. Beginning with elementary...
    € 13.80
  • My Chess Career by Capablanca - Download

    My Chess Career - Capablanca Autobiography for Download

    ChessCentral E-Books

    € 9.19
    My Chess Careerby J. R. Capablanca The 3rd World Chess Champion's own account of his chess career, from the earliest days through the Hastings "Victory Congress" in 1919. Capablanca has divided his development as a chess master into distinct phases,...
    € 9.19